Trigeminal Nueralgia Awareness Day, 2022

Trigeminal Nueralgia Awareness Day, 2022

Twenty years ago, reading challenged me. So did speaking. Brushing my teeth. Sitting under a ceiling fan or being outside in a breeze. Chewing. Reading? Yes. One branch of the trigeminal nerve lies behind the eye. Another branch goes through the cheek. The third...
Mother’s Day for ladies who have trigeminal neuralgia

Mother’s Day for ladies who have trigeminal neuralgia

Years ago, I was in terrible pain with trigeminal neuralgia, so my daughter and her husband came to my home. Because they were willing to make the trip, I could relax and didn’t have to concern myself with facing the world, about applying cosmetics, or...
Emails, dental work, you, and me

Emails, dental work, you, and me

Until yesterday, some time had passed since I received an email from someone who has read With Great Mercy, someone I don’t know. As readers, we have no way of knowing what is happening in the lives of writers. It is always good to know that we have helped, inspired,...
Trigeminal neuralgia: How can I get them to understand?

Trigeminal neuralgia: How can I get them to understand?

How can I get my spouse, coworker, boss, friends, or family to understand? This is one of the most common questions I hear regarding the nature of trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerualgias. The answer, regardless of who asks it, is the same. You cannot make...

Social isolation: we aren’t alone anymore.

I know, I know, I quit blogging because someone is stealing my posts and using them as his or her own. Perhaps this entry will also be stolen. I have come to realize that if people are helped by what I write, then that is the real purpose of my reflections.More than...