by Kathy Maresca | Jan 13, 2021
I know, I know, I quit blogging because someone is stealing my posts and using them as his or her own. Perhaps this entry will also be stolen. I have come to realize that if people are helped by what I write, then that is the real purpose of my reflections.More than...
by Kathy Maresca | Jan 13, 2021
Several years ago a blog post popped up, stating that 26 percent of all individuals who have trigeminal neuralgia (TN) commit suicide. I was working for TNA, The Facial Pain Association at the time, as the Director of Patient Services. What this means, basically, is...
by Kathy Maresca | Jan 13, 2021
Nothing stirs my soul like a visual. Today I saw a picture of a man who is recovering. I’ve prayed for him and his family, but I have never met him. His daughter is a cherished friend of my Kelli. I’ll call her Jay. Jay came into Kelli’s life when I was hoping my...